Friday, August 6, 2010


1. Pass rosemary through my body. Understand your hair in spearmint water. Float out the black ropes. If you float my body over spearmint water you will understand my hair as dark brothers. Drag twelve ropes through a patchwork of rosemary. Make a brother out of your body. Kneel and understand where you are.

2. Pass black rope through my body. Understand a family of brothers only watching. Then, let it become my hair floating up to you in spearmint water. If you kneel in a body of water you will understand how mountains begin. A patchwork of ropes pulled under. A patchwork of rosemary passing through spearmint water.

3. Pull brothers apart from me. Pull me until brothers come from me. Understand them as mountains beginning. If you pass my body through spearmint water you will understand my hair as mountains beginning. You will understand them as a patchwork of brothers.
Fill my mouth with rosemary and sleep me down in a spearmint patch.



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