Tuesday, February 2, 2010


when i become the person that one day i wish to be i will be able to look at a cup and think about all the people who have ever drank from this cup and write down their names on a piece paper and repeat their names quietly to myself.

when i become the person that one day i wish to be i will not have to ask the question 'do you hate me?' in order to find out if anything is wrong with someone who is not talking to me at that moment.

when i become the person that one day i wish to be i will dig small cold holes in a field and wait until an animal breaks its leg in one of them so that i can turn my head and look out at the water.



Blogger jac32067 said...

i used to look at my pokemon playing cards and wonder how many other kids were ripping off other kids first edition charizards like i was.

February 2, 2010 at 5:54 PM  
Blogger EMILY STAR said...

when i become the person i want to be someday, i will know what's good for me and do it.

when i become the person i want to be someday, i will not cry about anxious feelings--because i will have found ways to have peace.

when i become the person i want to be someday, i will keep my room tidier.

February 2, 2010 at 6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen to the wind
and its rolling of drums
like when a storm cloud comes near
and the small chimes tingle along the back of your neck
in the air you can feel the electricity of them, and the soft knowing
the swift flowing
of the river as it passes you by

and you wonder 'why don't i jump in?'
and you do
and down it you float, to who knows where
such peace is there in travelling
and such peace found when the course runs crooked
live what you want to, and not what you dont
because there are the answers, right in front of you
be here, and find them

February 2, 2010 at 10:06 PM  

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