Monday, January 19, 2009

Sherwood Anderson

i am reading a collection of Sherwood Anderson short stories, edited by maxwell geismar (Sherwood Anderson: Short Stories). sherwood anderson used to be very popular in the 20s. he influenced hemingway, faulkner, and other writers. he used to write about sex a lot i think. the stories have a tendency to lull you into this 'Little House on the Prarie' or 'Boxcar Children' drone and then pull the flesh off of things so that it looks really pretty and bloody.

there is a paragraph in one of his stories where he is describing as a boywalking through the tufts of hair on his father's head and how the light bounces off his father's bald head and how the boy is trying to imagine a perfect place for himself.

in another story a woman writes her fiance this letter:
" 'In the letter she was very sweet and fine. "For a long time, after we are married, we will forget we are a man and a woman" she wrote. "We will be human beings. You must remember that I am ignorant and often I will be very stupid. You must love me and be very patient and kind. When I know more, when after a long time you have taught me the way of life, I will try to repay you. I will love you tenderly and passionately. The possibility of that is in me or I would not want to marry at all. I am afraid but I am also happy. Oh, I am so glad our marriage time is near at hand!"'"
i feel very sad reading this paragraph again. i feel sadder every time i read it through.

i first heard of anderson in a short story by william saroyan. then i found him again in an anthology of experimental prose and poetry called America: A Prophecy. i can't find it anywhere though so maybe it is out of print.

the name of the text in that book is called The Man in the Brown Coat. you can read this story if you click on that link. i used to have the entire text copy-and-pasted here but then i thought maybe that was kind of kitchy or something. this is one of the best short stories i've ever read.

i am writing this post to recommend sherwood anderson to you.


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