Monday, July 21, 2008

edgar allen poem

i would like to write a poem.
this is a poem.
i didn't write this poem.

Wildlife of Israel Cilio
by Tatiana Ryckman

That place you go
And those things you do there;
that sounds like a wild life.
You will be wildlife,
behind a desk
behind a counter
behind a sheet of glass.
You will hide, man-suited,
and people will come to observe you.
Like in museums you will meet blank expressions
and curious turns-of-head.
You will bicycle home,
on only two wheels,
while headlights blind your retinas.
They will shrivel like testicles
submerged in cold water,
and you will peddle faster.
At home you will type, with a new garish-glare,
and everyone will say that they love you.
Israel Cilio,
you will be a doe.
You will be a friendly caged animal,
not a foe.
You will be caught in bright lights,
and we will all enjoy you very much.


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