Sunday, August 31, 2008

i will be largely unhappy

inside of my new apartment i feel mostly unailve. it is true: i move around, i pick things up, i touch things and then think about touching them. these things make noises. i have only been here two nights and already i have taken to laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling fan spinning. i try to write things and i try to capture my lethargy. but i am not moved to do so.

i recently read connor o'brien's last post and i thought it was amazing. and i thought 'yes okay, i will write something right now. i will something very true and funny and it will not hurt when it comes out'. and i tried and i thought what i was writing was stupid and i didn't want to finish it and it hurt, everything hurt. i laid down again and stared at the ceiling fan.

earlier this afternoon i drove to my parents and found it empty. i thought i would mow the lawn to give me something to do. when i looked it was already mowed. i felt lost and purposeless. i went back inside and i turned on the television and tried not to feel sad. one channel was frozen on a still image of martin luther king, jr. speaking. i tried for as long as i could to stare at this picture of this good man and feel something good. i tried very much but i was soon bored. he was not moving. he was not speaking. he was dead. i was dead. i was very alone in the house by myself. i changed the channel and watched a movie with a young nick nolte.

i drank a generic bottle of Ensure ("Equate") and imagined that i had eaten an entire dinner. i went back to my house where i just moved 0ut of and found paper and things on the floor. very odd things. i thought about how there will always be odd things laying around a house that someone has just moved out of: bottle caps, taco bell paper, cell phone chargers, nails, markers, loose change. i peeled the bathroom drip mat off the ground and a cockroach skittled away. i sat down and started playing my guitar. i did it energetically like it was serious. i looked at my finger and noticed the battery acid burn i have on my finger. it has a funny scab now.

i went back to the house and tried to check my e-mail. the internet was down. i have to work. i said, i will get things done and then i will go to work. i will organize everything. i cannot function when things are not organized. if my house is unorganized i cannot read or play music or talk on the phone. i must clean first.

i cannot clean anything because it is hot. if i start to clean i will get hot. then i wil be uncomfortable cleaning. then i will not be able to finish cleaning. then i will not be able to get anything real done. then when i go to work, i will be largely unhappy.
i will be largely unhappy.
i will be largely unhappy.
i will be largely unhappy.
i will be largely unhappy.
i will be largely unhappy.
i will be largely unhappy.
i will be largely unhappy.
i will be largely unhappy.
i will be largely unhappy.
i will be largely unhappy.
i will be largely unhappy.
i will be largely unhappy.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

it'll be autumn soon.

August 31, 2008 at 3:21 PM  
Blogger . said...

i empathize completely

August 31, 2008 at 5:37 PM  
Blogger Kate Lechler said...

Katie just told me about your blog, so I looked! And then we had a talk about loneliness and times of sadness and depression. I always feel like I get so much from those times, and that, looking back, so much good happened inside of me during those times. That's cliche, and probably not helpful, but I'm not meaning it to be helpful either. It's just what I thought when I read your blog.

oh, and p.s. i like your blog. and your writing.

August 31, 2008 at 8:38 PM  
Blogger wagner israel cilio iii said...

i love you everything and no one once ever came close, maybe we will eat together one day, maybe our children will play together, this would be okay with everyone and nothing would be wrong. i am very sober.

August 31, 2008 at 11:19 PM  

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